4 Aircon Servicing Myths In Singapore
When it comes to air con servicing, a lot of myths tend to circulate that can lead the customer misunderstand how the service works. The source of this myth is mainly the lack of knowledge about the working principle of aircons. Let’s take a look at the 5 myths commonly associated with air con servicing in Singapore.
This is one of the biggest myths in the domain of air conditioner servicing. Often some minor issues regarding functionality of a unit can go unnoticed. Even when the system is working properly a very minute problem may persist which gets worse with time, leading to system troubleshooting. This issue can only be detected by a trained professional. Even if the system is properly working, it is important to have it checked after a certain time interval. This ensures the longevity of the unit.
Although it is slightly true, still it can be concluded as a myth. Besides the system, other factors are there that impacts upon electricity bill like the size of the home, airflow and duct work. Before buying a new AC, always hire a professional to inspect your house. He can detect whether there are any weaknesses in your HVAC system and also suggest you the proper AC according to the size of your house. Given the proper environment, your new energy efficient system will automatically help to reduce the electric bill.
A common myth among many owners which often leads to malfunctioning of an air conditioner. ACs are just like any equipments with filters. They need to be changed after a regular time period. When a filter is used for a long time, they tend to get dirty which lowers the performance of the system and increases the electric bill. On the other hand with a new filter, the system will perform better. This is another reason why inspection of your AC is required. A trained professional in Singapore can easily detect whether it is time to change the filter. He can also fit a new filter in your AC. Generally a filter needs to be changed once after every two months.
This logic works in the mind of many owners in Singapore. They think that buying a bigger AC unit will cool the house faster. But this is unfortunately a myth. AC’s should always be bought according to the size of the house or room where it is installed. Bigger units not only leads to bigger electricity bills, but also has the chance to get damaged if their area of functioning is below the capacity. This is another reason why a servicing crew is required for inspection. They can take the measurements of your room and suggest what kind of AC you need.
Besides the above mentioned myths, many other misconceptions prevail among AC owners which leads to unnecessary expense and harassment. That is why before choosing on what to believe, it is important to do some research in details about the subject.