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November 22, 2019Can The Smell Of Newly House Painting Harm My Baby or Pets?

Paint fumes can be harmful to your pets or baby because they contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The VOCs can cause various conditions including:
-Respiratory and eye irritation
-Memory problems
According to recent research studies, children who are exposed to painting smells from water-based solvents and paints are prone to asthma and allergies. The fumes usually contain glycol ethers and propylene glycol that have been associated with the development of stuffy noses, eczema, and asthma. The research evidence suggests that the compounds can either cause or worsen respiratory related conditions and allergies. The risk is particularly high among young children and infants even when they are exposed to low concentrations. Babies are at a higher risk of developing various medical conditions if they breathe in fumes from fresh paint but it is important to note that the harmful compounds can remain in the air long after the painting is done.
There are also some concerns that babies can develop some immune system disorders when exposed to the toxic compounds found in the paint fumes. This is because the compounds are capable of interfering with your baby’s immune system as it develops. This is a particular concern when you have a newborn because their immune system is still developing.
Some of the substances found in paint can alter hormones and this can impair a baby’s health.
If you are planning to paint your home, it is important to consider your pet’s health. All paints produce fumes and there are some of them that can produce some toxic compounds in gas form. The fumes are released into the air as soon as the painting begins. There are certain paints that are considered safe compared to others and this makes it necessary to read labels carefully before you purchase paint.
Water-based paints are generally considered safer for homes with pets when compared to the solvent-based ones. But you should always get VOC free paints. These paints tend to have lower volatile organic compound concentrations while others do not have any VOCs. Look for eco-paints when you go paint shopping. The eco-paints may cost you more compared to the standard ones but they are safer for your family.
One of the main effects of paint fumes on pets is eye irritation. Your pet may also suffer from throat and nose irritation when they are exposed to the fumes. Some pets may even develop breathing problems. Pets can also get nauseous and dizzy while others will suffer from skin reactions. In most cases, these symptoms tend to go away once the pet is removed from the painted room but there may be some long term effects on their health.
The effects of the paint fumes tend to reduce as the paint dries. But you should take some precautions during painting to keep your pet safe. One of the best preventative measures is to keep the house well ventilated during the painting process. Make sure all the windows are open when you are painting. You should also consider using a fan when painting to help air circulate faster and get rid of the toxic fumes. It is also advisable to use a dehumidifier in the room to reduce the amount of time it takes for the paint to dry.
Make sure your pet is away from the house when you are painting. You can wear a mask to reduce exposure to the fumes but this is not possible with your pet.
Painting a house is one of the best way to create a new look without spending a lot of money but there are some concerns about the impact of the paint fumes especially on babies and pets. Scientists have discovered that there are toxic compounds in most of the paints available in the stores and they can have adverse effects. For this reason, it is important to select environmentally friendly paints that will not harm your children and pets. There are various options available to suit the kind of look that you would like to create without affecting your baby or pet. You should also make an effort to reduce the amount of time that babies and pets spend in newly painted houses to reduce the risk further.